Official Trail Community -Mammoth Hike Challenge 2021
We invite you to make Manitowoc County, WI a trail destination on the second annual “Mammoth Hike Challenge” in 2021!
During the month of October, simply track 41 miles of activity anywhere on the Ice Age Trail (Hiking, walking, running, or backpacking), and visit THREE of the Trail Communities (like Manitowoc, County!). Earn a hiking certificate and a limited-edition patch. Log your miles over days, weekends, weeks, or one big adventure. You have the entire month of October to do it!
The Mammoth Hike Challenge is a completely free event! All abilities. All ages. All welcome. Created by the Ice Age Trail Alliance to highlight the beauty of Wisconsin’s most scenic landscapes and help tell the story of the last Ice Age by showcasing Wisconsin’s unique glacial features. The Ice Age National Scenic Trail is a thousand-mile footpath and is entirely within Wisconsin and is one of only eleven National Scenic Trails.
Manitowoc, County is proud to be one of the 15 official Ice Age Trail Communities! From the pristine coastline with stunning parks and beaches and marinas, to historic downtowns and outdoor band concerts, Manitowoc-Two Rivers is a treasure to visit.

ManitowocTwoRivers-_Itinerary_21_withMapsHow to Use StriveOn Poster 2021