Save out Songbirds Together in Winter
Thirty percent of North American birds have vanished since 1970 and the birds we love to see and hear have suffered some of the biggest losses — warblers, finches, sparrows and blackbirds. The good news is we can all take steps around our home to help reverse their decline. Join Lisa Gaumnitz, SOS campaign coordinator, as she addresses three important steps and shares some supplies and events in early 2025 to help you help birds! This program will involve a 40-minute presentation and audience discussion, and a companion booth where visitors can pick up a free sample of bird-friendly coffee, a native plant guide, and more SOS supplies.
Everyone can take steps to help reverse the decline of North American birds.
SOS campaign coordinator Lisa Gaumnitz addresses the important steps that can help you help birds at this 40-minute presentation. Audience discussion follows. Visit a companion booth to pick up a free sample of bird-friendly coffee, a native plant guide, and more SOS supplies.
Sliding scale fee of $1-$10. Registration appreciated by Monday, Dec. 2; email or call (920)793-4007.
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.