Made @MPL: Touring the Idea Box
Manitowoc Public Library
Idea Box
Expand your knowledge of the latest technological innovations.
Join us on Monday, August 21, at 5PM for a tour of the Idea Box, Manitowoc Public Library’s makerspace. The Idea Box is full of amazing technology that allows for endless creative expression. Staff will provide live demonstrations of some of the equipment, let you know how you can be trained to use the devices, and answer questions you have about the makerspace.
Among the equipment that will be shown are the 3D Printer, 3Doodler Pens, and the Glowforge. You’ll also hear about upcoming devices like the Sound Booth.
All ages are welcome and registration is not required. Participants who wish to use the equipment themselves will need to fill out a waiver.
This is not a Badging Session, rather it is an introduction to what’s available. To see current Badging Sessions, please visit our website at https://www.manitowoclibrary.org/services/idea-box-makerspace
We hope to see you on Monday, August 21, at 5PM so you can experience first-hand the remarkable creative opportunities available to you in the Idea Box.
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.