Hot Cheddar Comedy Show w/Tym Griffin & Friends
March 31, 2023 @ 8:00 pm
March 31, 2023 @ 8:00pm $15
Adult Content
Sabbatical BrewingTym Griffin is touring the USA and he’s making a special stop at Sabbatical Brewing Co. in Manitowoc, WI Doors open at 7pm and show starts at 8pm.
Tym Griffin is a nationally touring comedian, He has been covered in magazines, newspapers, radio, and television.
Tyn Griffin’s comedy pushed the envelope and boundaries of people’s sensibilities that includes the hardships of family dynamics, elegant one liner’s, dark adult humor, and the impossibilities of living in today’s society.
Mike Marvell and Ray Roberts will also perform.
Order tickets at www.Tymthe comedicginger.com
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