EASTLAND: The Shipwreck That Shook America
July 21 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
On July 24, 1915, SS Eastland capsized in the Chicago harbor. More than 800 lives were lost that day, making it Chicago’s deadliest day. Join us for a special viewing of the award-winning documentary EASTLAND: The Shipwreck That Shook America. Producer, Harvey Moshman, will be on hand to share behind-the-scenes photos and materials and a Q&A after the presentation.
Admission if free and there will be a small cash bar available.
During the day we will also be showing two other documentaries by Moshman, Lost & Found: The search for USS Lagarto & Heroes on Deck: World War II On Lake Michigan.
Check back later for more details!
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.