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Astronomy Night ( 2 of 2)

September 1, 2022 @ 7:30 pm

Did you know that we have a neighbor that has earned the designation of “Master Observer with the Astronomical League”?
Join Bill Hennessy for an evening of studying the night sky. We’ll We will look at globular star clusters, nebulae, double stars, planets, and maybe a carbon star and a galaxy or two. And wait ’til you see his telescope!!!
Some important info to consider:
– Everyone is welcome, although children younger than 6 or so will have difficulty.
– It will be necessary to use a ladder to reach the eyepiece for some of the objects.
– People will be encouraged to bring red flashlights. White flashlights and phones are bad for dark adaption.

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September 1, 2022
7:30 pm
Event Categories:


Camp Sinawa
9113 Sinawa Road
Valders, WI 54245 United States
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