Wild Wanderers – Fossils
A complimentary program to the Raising a Wild Child Series, Wild Wanderers is for children ages 5-8 years old (older and younger siblings are welcome to join) and an adult. Take a deeper dive into various nature topics through guided activities, games, and nature hikes! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Some portions of this program will be led by staff, while others will be for families to explore on their own. Dress for the weather – a majority of the program will take place outdoors. Registration is required by the Monday before each session, space is limited.
Members: $3/child
Non-members: $4/child
Explore the geologic history of Wisconsin through hands-on fossil exploration activities. To register, email Jess at jessicaj@woodlanddunes.org or call 920-793-4007.
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.