Ferns and Clubmosses 101
September 17, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Sliding scale suggested donation $1-$10
Join Dr. Keir Wefferling, Curator of the Gary A. Fewless Herbarium at the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity and an Assistant Professor of Biology at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, for this introductory class of ferns and clubmosses. We will discuss the lifecycles and address any preconceptions about these plants, then go for a walk in the preserve and identify several species of ferns and lycophytes. Registration is required by Friday, September 13th. Space is limited. Sponsored by The Winston Group. To register, email Jess at jessicaj@woodlanddunes.org or call 920-793-4007.
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