Civil War Evening Lantern Tour
Pinecrest Historical Village
Become a part of history and join us for this one-night only event – a THREE in one special that includes a guided lantern tour of the Civil War encampment and village, samples of food and drink, and an evening cannon firing! This must see after-dark special event is like none other!
Experience camp-life after dark a guided lantern tour! Feel like part of the encampment as period dressed historical interpreters lead you by lantern light through the Confederate, Union and civilian camps.
The era and mood is set with a stop at a meeting for the Sons of Temperance.
Watch an evening firing of the cannon!
Admittance with an evening event ticket ONLY!
Spaces are limited, so advanced ticket purchasing is required! The event begins at 6 pm upon being assigned to a tour group at the McAllister House Welcome Center. Tours will conclude at approximately 8 pm.
Advanced registration is required. Tickets are $45 per person. MCHS Members receive a 15% discount.
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.