Brewed by the Water – Historic Beer Making Workshops at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum
August 24 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Brewing Workshop: August 24 – 5:00-6:30 pm
Bottling Workshop: September 7 – 5:00-6:30 pm
For nearly two centuries since Wisconsin’s earliest breweries began, the love of beer is fermented into our state’s identity. Learn about the historical role of beer on the Great Lakes and beyond with WMM’s Chief Curator and brewery historian, Kevin Cullen, in this two-part home brewing basics workshop. Learn how to make a pale ale using local ingredients sourced from Briess Malting in Manitowoc. Sign up now to reserve your own museum-brewed beer!
Please note that this is a two-day workshop. Registration closes on August 20th.
Space is limited. Visited our Museum Store to purchase tickets.
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.