Alpaca Shearing – Be an Observer!
This is the first time we have ever offered this opportunity! Many people have inquired about observing the alpacas being shorn, so we are opening it up to a limited audience to witness this annual event. You may register for a one hour time slot, for up to 6 people at one time to observe our professional shearing team from Top Knot from 8-9 AM, 9-10 AM and 10-11 AM only. You must be on time and have pre-paid and registered by CALLING 920-793-4165. $25 per person, plus tax. Absolutely NO WALK-INS. Please note, May 10 is our TENTATIVE DATE for this. We may have to adjust the date depending on Top Knot’s schedule, but it is always on a Saturday. This is event will take place rain or shine, and you will be outdoors, so dress accordingly for the weather. No refunds for cancellations or no shows.
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.