A Wrinkle In Time
One of literature’s most enduring young heroines, Meg Murry, is back–braces, stubbornness and all. Once again, she’s joining forces with Mrs. Whatsit, Charles Wallace, Calvin O’Keefe and more to battle the forces of evil so she can rescue her father, save humanity and find herself. In the end, we know two things for sure: 1. Love CAN overcome evil and 2. There IS such a thing as a tesseract. Directed by Gavin J. Annette.
Tickets $20-$32: Light Meal Options Available
Friday Performances: March 17, 24. 31
Pub Opens @ 6:00, Preshow music from 6:15-7:15, Show starts at 7:30
Saturday Twilight Performances: March 18, 25; April 1
Pub Opens @ 2:30, Preshow music from 2:45-3:45, Show starts at 4:00
Sunday Matinees: March 19, 26; April 2
Pub Opens @ 12:30, Preshow music from 12:45-1:45, Show starts at 2:00
The dates and information listed here are subject to change. Please call to verify dates and details.